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Is a non-profit organization created after the loss of a teenager to suicide. During the most challenging time of her life, the surviving mother vowed to find a way to help raise awareness to this unspoken issue and prevent the loss of other young lives taken as a result of suicide.

She happened to be part of the law enforcement community and reports 10-8 InService when on duty. Her son Sebastian was born on 10-8-2005 and after losing him, she pledged to her son to continue being on duty, even when she was carrying the deepest and most painful scar any parent could ever have. For the love to her children, she decided to honor her son by turning her tragedy, anger and sorrow into a positive beginning to start living and accepting her new reality without the physical presence of her son Sebastian.

Today, that bereaved mother wants to provide support to people that have lost their loved ones to suicide, by creating a survivor's alliance. She wants to help kids that are constantly dealing with bullying and cyberbullying challenges in school; she wants to share her story to other parents and create consciousness of the suicidal ghoul that endangers our children minds; she wants to make sure that no parent becomes part of the club that life forced her to be in.

She wants YOU to continue the happiness of having your loved ones beside you, while she will continue grieving her son by saving other people's lives.

She simply wants to create a new community for your community. Anywhere you are and whoever you are, she invites YOU to be 10-8 InService.

TOGETHER we can make a difference!