Wish for LIFE

While breathing the quiet moments of the night, I can only continue thinking of my Angel in the skies. Missing your touch and your smile, I can only remember hugging your warmth at all times. Your noble heart always brought a smile and joy to my life; Oh, my dear son, I miss you so much tonight. If I could only make a wish come true, to see you again would be my only Wish for LIFE.

Tears blurring my eyes, while remembering the glare of your eyes. Oh, my dear Sebastian, things have changed so much and my nights are infinite ones since we said goodbye. I will not see your beautiful face again, but I feel you in my heart every day. Now my ministry is to save other kids like you, by breaking the silence of their fears in school. I wish you were here, beside me today; to see you again, would be my only Wish for LIFE.

Hawks and cardinals, are the ones that bring me back to a smile, while I continue accepting your visit from Heaven every time you can. Please Sebastian, don’t ever forget, that Mommy loves you to the Moon and back. I know we are now looking at the same moon at nights; meanwhile, I continue looking for your messages, hidden in the skies. In case God wants to grant you a miracle tonight, please tell him that to see you again, would be my only Wish for LIFE.

Oh Lord, I really miss my baby tonight, it hurts and is painful and I just want to cuddle him tonight. Please forgive me, if I ever did anything wrong; I am far from perfect, but always giving my best, for the love to my boys. I have always put my children’s smile above mine and no one have ever been more important in my life. Dear God, in case you ever wonder, to see my Sebastian, would be my only Wish for LIFE.

There is one thing I promised Sebastian once, while praying beside that bed where I had to say goodbye. Everyone will know about the gift God lent me once and for whom I felt in love for the first time. In honor of my son, I will embark into this new project of life and I will break the silence to bring kids back to a smile. While walking this grieving with God by my side, I will do it for the ones in need of a lifting hand. So, help me God and in honor of you my dear son; because loving my children will always be, my only Wish for LIFE.

With Love, Carol Kohn